Tech Exec Wellness Podcast: Conversations to Reignite Your Soul

The Science of Visualization and Achieving Your Goals

Melissa Sanford

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Speaker 1:

Hi, welcome back to another episode of the Tech Exec Wellness Podcast. My name is Melissa, and welcome Welcome to 2025. Today we're going to dive into one of the most powerful yet underutilized tools for success your subconscious mind. What if I told you that 95% of your daily decisions and behaviors are being made automatically, outside of your conscious control? What if I told you that by reprogramming your subconscious, you could unlock unlimited potential, turning vision into reality, fear into confidence and obstacles into results? Today, we're breaking down the science behind subconscious mind programming, how the most successful leaders, including Steve Jobs, harness this power, and how you can retrain your mind for unstoppable success.

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I want to put this disclaimer out there I am not a healthcare professional, nor is what I am about to share medical advice, so let's get into it. Before I start, I just want to say that this really, really works, and I think as a young person, I didn't know exactly what I was doing because I didn't know what law of attraction or any of that stuff meant. I just remember before having a soccer game the night before, or, let's say, I was just chilling listening to the radio. I would visualize myself on that field. I would visualize the plays that I made and visualize scoring goals and, lo and behold, that was my outcome when I would be on the soccer field, not all the time, but a majority of the time.

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Mindset isn't just about positive thinking. It's not meditation. It's about active creation. How do you see yourself? How you see yourself, the way you see challenges and how you position yourself in an industry will determine your trajectory and life as well. If you see obstacles, you'll find more, and that's something that I see a lot of on social media is you know, things are rough, I can't find a job, I can't get things going. If you say that, your subconscious is going to be in the background in planning that and saying, okay, we're going to give he or she or they these experiences because that's what they think. Now, the flip side is, if you see opportunities, you'll start noticing them everywhere. So let's say one thing that I've seen is there's no jobs, there's none of this. Well, again, you're putting that into your subconscious and your subconscious is going to give you more of what you think about. If you believe you belong in a space, you'll start attracting the right connections and resources. So right now, I'm going to talk about career.

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Over the past few years. I've worked in AI, blockchain and web3. And in the last two years I focused specifically on cryptocurrency adoption and digital asset strategies. When I started my fractional engagement, I just didn't learn the technology. I immersed myself in the mindset of innovation and problem solving. I started visualizing the real world applications of these technologies, who would need them, what problem they would solve and how adoption would unfold. And because of that, I wasn't just learning. I was actively conceptualizing and implementing strategies for my clients. I was also learning too. I was taking courses and doing everything I could to learn about the technologies. I'll just preface that by saying I didn't just make this stuff up. It was a combination of the two. So, taking courses and then visualizing it and putting that into real world applications that shift from just consuming information to actively shaping the future made all the difference. So again, it was a combination of two different things.

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Every single minute of the day, you are creating your reality. The words you say, your beliefs and the energy you put out all shape your outcomes. If you keep saying it's hard, I'll never find the right opportunity, I'll never get married. Guess what? You're just reinforcing that reality. The same is true for success. If you visualize growth, opportunity and forward momentum, you will start aligning with the people, ideas and circumstances that bring those into your life. Let's get into it.

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Your subconscious mind is like an operating system running in the background of your life. I know people of my generation were told graduate high school, go to college, get a job, get married. We have this, I would say, this operating system in our background that we were programmed to believe. So, while your conscious mind makes these active decisions, your subconscious drives your habits, motions and automatic responses. Neuroscience backs this up. Your brain has the RAS. The RAS stands for reticular activating system, a filter that determines what you notice, focus on and act upon.

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I got rid of all of my social media except for LinkedIn and Instagram. On Facebook, a lot of negativity. Now I do look at TikTok and my algorithm is more focused on wellness and spirituality and improving yourself. I think if you continue to digest things that are going on in the world, you're just going to embed your subconscious with those negative thoughts Again. What you notice, focus on and act upon is going to be your reality. The more you feed your mind with empowering beliefs, the more your subconscious finds opportunities aligned with that belief. Think of it like this If you program your subconscious to see success, opportunity and growth, you'll naturally gravitate toward those outcomes, and I'm a big believer in this too. You really have to align yourself with people that are positive, that are focused, that believe that there's a lot of great things in the world. Despite what you see on TV or whatever, I don't watch the news. I haven't watched the news since 2020. And I feel that maybe I've aged backwards because I just feel happier.

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Let's talk about Steve Jobs. He's one of the greatest innovators of all time and he understood this principle intuitively. Before we get started on Steve Jobs, one of the most powerful speeches is from the 2005 Stanford commencement speech. I watched this and it really hit me in the gut because I think again, as we grow up, we're programmed to graduate high school, college, get married In my case, it was joining the military and then those steps afterward. But that's not it. He says your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your inner voice and, most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.

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Steve Jobs wasn't just talking about intuition, he was talking about subconscious programming. He understood that the beliefs you internalize shape the life you create. I think what his formula was is the vision, and then the subconscious reinforcement and then relentless execution. So here's another thing, too, that I want to point out you can manifest and see things in your mind, but you also have to take the execution to do it right. I mean this podcast. I didn't just get on it one day and start reporting and publishing and editing it. I had to learn how to do it. But because I visualized it and saw it, it was easy for me to do it me to do it. And we had one of our best years in 2024. We were up 349% from 0%. So it was something that I've mentioned before I wanted to do, but I didn't go into it thinking I wanted to have listeners from all over the world. Again, going back to execution, a lot of people have contacted me and said how do I do a podcast? I'm going to kind of run through some things that I did visually and manifesting. That helped me.

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Going back to Steve, he had an unshakable belief in his vision for Apple long before it became a reality. He trained his subconscious to reject limiting beliefs and focus on innovation. He reinforced his vision daily, not just with words, but with action. One of the things that I've been hearing a lot about is reality distortion. This is the mindset that transformed vision into reality. One of the most fascinating psychological tools used by visionary leaders like Steve Jobs is reality distortion the ability to bend perception, defy limitations and turn the impossible into the inevitable. Reality distortion is the subconscious programming of what you believe is possible and, by extension, what others believe is possible. It's about getting such an unshakable belief in your vision that it begins to alter the way people think or act toward achieving it. For instance, if you're shy and you think nobody wants to hear what I have to say, you got to change. You think nobody wants to hear what I have to say. You got to change that. Everybody wants to hear what I have to say and you have to have that belief within your subconscious and know it and feel it. Steve Jobs was infamous for his reality distortion field. Otherwise, the acronym is RDF. His employees at Apple describe it as the most supernatural force His unwavering confidence, refusal to accept limitations and the ability to push boundaries led to groundbreaking innovations like the iPhone, ipod and Mac.

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Was it magic? I think so. I think so because before I worked for that company I had a cell phone, a navigation system, an iPod. I had like five, six different things right. So I do think what he produced, along with that team, was totally magic.

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Jobs reprogrammed a subconscious mind to believe in his vision with absolute certainty. This conviction was so strong that it compelled others to buy into his vision, sometimes against their own logic or doubts. People were like I'm not going to spend this much money in a downturn economy, but we believed in it. We believed in its capabilities, of what it can do, and now Apple is a trillion dollar company. He didn't just believe in a better computer or phone. He saw it, he felt it and acted as if it already existed. He ignored existing constraints, which were technological, financial or industry limitations, and demanded solutions anyway. He didn't wait for external validation. He distorted reality until reality caught up with him. I bet there's listeners out there right now who are thinking of the next big thing.

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I don't like to say that, but thinking of something that's going to be innovative for the masses. So the result of all of this game-changing products that redefined industries, and it created a lot of different technologies too. Right, he really did bring about some substantial change how to use reality distortion in your own life. You don't have to be Steve Jobs to harness the reality distortion effect. He's just an example. You just have to train your Jobs to harness the reality distortion effect. He's just an example. You just have to train your subconscious to believe in your vision so deeply that the world starts bending to meet it. Here's how Believe the vision before it exists. If you want to disrupt an industry, build a revolutionary product, achieve an ambitious goal, you must internalize it as truth before anyone else sees it.

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The other thing I want to say is I like to keep a lot of these things to myself, because there's going to be naysayers. Right, oh, you'll never do that. You can't do that. That's impossible. Keep it to yourself or with your spouse. Whatever I'm saying, I hope to launch a hundred million dollar business. Say, I am building a hundred million plus company that is reshaping the market. Instead of thinking, I need validation before I act, which is why I said don't tell your friends, or whatever, because that's what you're seeking right. Instead, my conviction makes this inevitable. Be like Steve your subconscious will accept and reinforce whatever you tell it consistently. Be careful of your thoughts and, if anything, I've learned the hard way. I want to share this with you because it does work and I want people to be successful and I want them to have hope and have the tools to do these things.

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Jobs famously ignored statements like that can't be done. He demanded solutions when they seemed technologically impossible. When someone says that won't work, ask what if it could. When people tell you that's never been done, reply with that's exactly why we need to do it. Replace I can't with. I haven't figured it out yet, but I will. Every breakthrough in history was once impossible until someone ignored the limits. Alter the narrative. Control your internal and external messaging, your words. Create reality for yourself and others. Jobs use language to reinforce belief until it became fact.

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You don't want to hang around with people that complain all the time or say it's impossible. You want to hang around those people that say, yeah, you know, I can do this, we're going to figure it out. Those are the kind of people that you want to hang out with. Here's a few examples of reality distortion, framing. You don't want to say we're making a small improvement to our product. What you want to say is we are redefining how people interact with technology, which is what I'm doing right now with crypto and those other technologies. One of the other things that we hear a lot is this feature is difficult to implement. No, this feature is essential. How do we make it happen? That's what you want to be around. You want to be around those people. You want to work for those type of companies. You don't want to work with people or with people that find reasons to have obstacles and reasons to find that it's difficult.

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Speak about your goals and vision as if they are inevitable. Your subconscious and those around you will start accepting it as true. Another thing you want to do and this is really hard, this is probably one of the hardest things I had to overcome is act as if it's already happening. Your mind and body follow your beliefs. If you act as if your success is already unfolding, your subconscious will work overtime to make it real.

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One story I want to add is rollerblades. Do y'all remember the rollerblading back in the late nineties? Well, I had skated before when I was a young person, but I'm like oh no, I'm going to try it. These are kind of like ice skates. They got the inline wheels and I would visualize myself using rollerblades and going down Clark Street in Chicago and, by golly, I got the rollerblades at I think it was sports mart or something and Lincoln park put them on and boom, there I was, cause my mind had already conceptualized this. It already saw me skating with these.

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Do you want to be an industry leader? Start talking, thinking and operating like one. Now do not. You know? I see this in cybersecurity a lot. You know there's some people that bash people that consider themselves experts. Well, you know what? If that's what they believe, let them believe that, and a lot of times, these people really do know what they're talking about. So don't ever let anybody's influence or naysayers impact what you're going to do. You want to build the next big tech company? Start making decisions as if you're already running it. That's one of the things I liked about doing fractional work is I didn't have anybody around me to say that can't be done. We can't implement that. You know what? Yes, it can, and I was the only person that I was responsible to, as well as the client, to make it happen. Get out there and just make it happen. You want to land a dream job? Show up and deliver value before you even have the title.

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Reality is shaped by the momentum of your actions. Remember you create your reality, not the external world, otherwise called as a 3D world. Right, you don't want to get mixed up in that negativity. Steve Jobs was not delusional, neither am I. He was uncompromising in his belief that reality could be changed. The world eventually caught up to his vision because he refused to accept limitations. So ask yourself what reality am I willing to create? Where have I been accepting limitations that I should be breaking? What bold belief do I need to internalize until it becomes inevitable? Because the truth is, your subconscious is already shaping your reality, whether you like it or not.

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The only question is are you programming it intentionally? So, again, stay away from people that you know. Your resume is wrong. You're doing this wrong. You know what. The only person that needs to believe in it is you, not anybody else. So cut out that noise.

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I'm going to tell you how to reprogram your subconscious for success. Now let's make this practical. If jobs and other high achievers have mastered this, how can you do it right. So here's a simple yet powerful. Here's a simple yet powerful three-step method. The other thing I'm going to do for you is there are favorites of mine that I listened to. I really think you should invest in a YouTube subscription, because you won't get the advertisements or anything and a lot of these subconscious videos. They'll help you with manifestation or whatever else. Right, write down your goals as if they're already true. I am a strategic leader driving innovation in my industry. I execute with confidence and vision. I am resilient, focused and successful. Repeat these every morning and night. Your subconscious will absorb the repetition. One of the things that I have done and I'm not sure if I got this from Mel Robbins, but I was putting up stickies in my house, where I would see it in the bathroom when I was getting ready, or at my computer. I would have these stickies there and it was a constant reminder of what I was trying to create.

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Align your actions. Train your brain with small wins. The fastest way to reprogram your subconscious is consistent action. This is not going to be something that's like one and done. This is going to be something you're going to do throughout your life, which is you're going to, you know, once you land your big job or whatever, find your perfect spouse, get married, there's going to be other things that you are going to think about. There's going to be other things that you want to accomplish. So this is not going to be just a one and done thing. If you want to become more confident in negotiations, start by practicing small, confident decision-making. If you want to become a visionary leader, start by writing your ideas and acting on them. Every action reinforces a belief. Use the power of visualization and environmental conditioning, for instance.

Speaker 1:

If you have a house like I come from the military I like to have things spotless and orderly and in their place. I would say, before you take on some of these endeavors, you want to get your space, your house, whatever. You want to just declutter it, get rid of things. I'm on TikTok Feng Shui because I believe in that too. I used to have my desk with my back toward the door and apparently that kind of blocks the flow. I did it, but I decluttered. I got rid of a lot of old things that I didn't need anymore and I just got my mindset. I think if you get your mindset in a room where it's clean, everything's in its place. This is going to be easy. So one of the things you can do after you get your place cleaned up everything is spend five minutes daily visualizing yourself already achieving success let's say, a new job. You're going to visualize the FedEx driver coming to your door with your laptop. You're going to open it up. You're going to get your password and everything your login. You're going to see that. So that's like five minutes.

Speaker 1:

The other thing is I've said this repeatedly surround yourself with environments that reinforce your success mindset. You don't want to be around people that are complaining. You don't want to be around people with limited thinking. They're only going to slow you down, and you know what? This is a common cliche. But misery loves company. Get out of that. Put out negativity that contradicts your vision.

Speaker 1:

Again, you don't want to watch the news. I mean, of course you want to be aware of what's going on in the world, but you don't want to get sucked into digesting negative things, and a lot of that can be social media or TV, your subconscious response to the cues you give it. So there was one time I don't know it was a few years ago I was watching it was around October that had all of the horror movies. I don't know, I think it was AMC or something like that, but it was around the clock horror movies and I got stuck watching these every night and I really felt it because I was a big well, I still am a Halloween franchise fan, but it's the same thing. Michael Myers is out there chasing people and he's on a live in them. That's not a good thing to watch, even though I watched it and I'm like, oh, this is really cool, because when I grew up, haddonfield looked like Rockford Illinois. It was just, yeah, whatever.

Speaker 1:

But all of that, to say you can't digest horror movies around the clock or on the weekend and then expect to be positive that's not going to work. Here it is. I'm going to ask you to commit to one subconscious programming technique Write a new belief, write a new belief statement, take one action to reinforce that belief and visualize your success for five minutes a day. One of the things that again I'm going to go back to Steve Jobs is have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. The future you are creating starts in the subconscious. Today, I'm excited to hear back from you if you tried some of these wonderful things and how it worked for you. Nothing wrong with you. You don't need to have your resume rewritten 100 times. You just need to believe that you're great. Don't let these obstacles or anything stand in your way of greatness. You are great, you've done amazing things and you'll continue to do amazing things.

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Negativity if you start doubting yourself. Go for a walk, go meditate, do something fun, take yourself out for a coffee, listen to music. I listen to music a lot. I like a lot of the EDM and old rock music from the 80s. But I like to get myself in a mindset where I'm just happy and if I'm in a bad mood, the one thing I want to say is I don't want to be around other people because I don't want my bad day to rub off on others, because it really is.

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So one of the things that worries me about return to work or return to office is the energy of people. I've worked in some places that were great Everybody's in there, they're having a good time, they're doing great work and then I've been in not so great places where they're in there complaining I can't do this, I can't do that, and they would find every reason in the world why they couldn't do something for a customer or for the boss? I worry about that. I want to be around people that are all rowing the boat that we're on the same mission to make great things happen Again. Leaders out there, what kind of environment are you creating for your employees? What are you putting out to your staff? Are you showing up with anxiety? Are you showing up with doubt? Are you showing up after you were in traffic Somebody cut you off? You're mad. Do not engage with your employees until you get your head right, because that's gonna rub off on them. So make sure that your head is in a clear space.

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Exercise again. We've talked about that in other episodes. We wanna ensure that you practice. That it's you know. Life is not a race. There's going to be days I mean, I've had them I don't want to do anything, and there's days where I get up early and I'm running around the block, I'm doing all kinds of things in my house and I'm just the energizer bunny. But it's okay to take a step back. But what I don't want you to do is stay in a mindset of lack, stay in a mindset of failure, because, again, your subconscious is always listening. People around you are always listening. If anything, work that out with yourself, but don't dump on other people, because that's not fair to them. So I hope you liked this episode. It was something that I wanted to do.

Speaker 1:

We did not record in January. Everyone was busy and some people had obligations they had to take care of and, first and foremost, that comes first. But we are going to be back this week with Judy Selby and I'm real excited about the month of March. We're going to have some of the greatest professionals in this incident response and it's going to be great to have them on the show to talk about how they're balancing working on data breaches with their own wellness, because a lot of times these breaches come in on a Friday night or Saturday or, in some of my experiences, they came in on a Sunday afternoon and you're thinking you're winding down for the day and then you've got to work and that work goes into Monday. It's going to be great to hear how they're handling stress.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening today and don't forget to subscribe to our podcast on various platforms such as Apple, spotify, iheartradio, many others. I am reworking the website. Once it's available I will notify you, but again, thank you so much for a fabulous 2024. We had listeners from all over the world and I want to thank you for tuning in and the feedback that I get is they like the short episodes 30 to 45 minutes. So I don't think we're going to do anything over 45 minutes. We're going to be quick, impactful and hopefully make your day a better one. Thank you very much for tuning in and take care.

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